Xefra was established in Italy, by long experienced engineers, who gained their know-how inside of International Certification Bodies and Engineering Companies.
Highly specialized in the entire industrial field, Xefra services are mainly focused on Testing, Inspections, Assessments on Machinery, Assemblies and Equipment to the following specific areas:
- Industrial Automation
- Oil & Gas and Power Generation
- Chemical and Pharmaceutical
- Transport and Mobility
- Industrial Products’ Manufacturers
- Mining and Quarrying Industries
Our Headquarters office is based in Genoa. With a strategically located Testing Laboratory in Tortona, we are positioned to serve both Central and Northern Italy effectively.
The Xefra Laboratory is accredited EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 by ACCREDIA (member of the ILAC MRA Circuit). Accreditation scope is available on ACCREDIA website (click here).
Product Certification Body
Our Institutional role is to Assess the compliance of the product to the EU Directives, on behalf of the economical operators, competently, transparently, neutrally and independently.
The mission of our testing, inspection and certification services is to ensure, with technical competence, professional integrity, independence, high reliability and organisational capacity, full compliance of products with global legislation and applicable technical standards.
XEFRACERT is Notified Body nr. 2772 for ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, 26th February 2014, concerning the harmonization of legislation of State Members with reference to Equipment and Protective Systems intended to be used in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
The financial support of Xefracert Srl is provided by the application of the rates for the services requested by the body, ensuring our clients to receive value-driven, high-quality testing and certification services (click here).
XEFRA Laboratory
Accreditation Certificate According to UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
XEFRACERT Certification Body
Accreditation Certificate According to UNI CEI EN/ISO/IEC 17065:2012
XEFRACERT Notified Body
Notification of a Body in the framework of a technical harmonization directive - Legislation: 2014/34/EU